A friend of mine used to always talk about putting books on hold at the library. I thought to myself that it was a good idea and all, but really, who has the time to do that?! :/
Then I moved to Malaysia. There were no libraries in Malaysia, well, none that come close to the ones we have here. And I missed libraries!
Now that we've moved back, Ive started appreciating this amazing resource we have... alhamdulillah. So, I began putting books on hold. And its a lot easier that I expected, and contrary to what I thought before, it actually saves time. I don't always have the time (or patience) to take all the kids to the library, or even want to drive to the larger ones. So, I sign into our online library system, type in a keyword, browse, and place holds on interesting looking books. Then whenever I have a moment, I drive past the library, run in (or get Yusuf to), and pick them all up. Sometimes it adds up to nearly 30 or 40 books. :)
Today I just picked up about twenty books. I searched books on Autumn since its now here (and my kids dont really know much about different seasons after spending time in a tropical country), and also books on the moon, because of the recent blood moon/ lunar eclipse.
If you haven't given this a try, I highly recommend seeing how it works for your family. For us, we love having the benefit of plenty of books at home, without always spending the time roaming the library.
Another great idea is to have each of the children keep a record of the title and author......this way they will begin to recognize the authors names.......